A busca por noites de sono profundo e revigorante encontra um aliado no chá relaxante. Com ervas como camomila, valeriana e melissa, essa infusão oferece propriedades calmantes que acalmam a mente e o corpo após um longo dia. Seus aromas suaves e propriedades naturais ajudam a reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade, preparando o caminho para um descanso tranquilo. Ao tomar uma xícara antes de dormir, o ritual do chá se transforma em um momento de autocuidado. Deixando para trás as preocupações do dia, o chá relaxante convida ao relaxamento profundo, garantindo uma noite de sono restauradora.Chá relaxante pra dormir
Insomnia can have different causes
Finally, stress, worry and sleep disturbances are among them. Their consequences, however, are quite clear: lack of energy during the day and poor performance at work or in your studies.
Finally, although treatment often requires medication, natural mixtures can be used as aids.
The preparation method for this recipe is very simple and I'm sure that if you follow it step by step you will be able to make your recipe, it will be wonderful.
Relaxing tea recipe for deep sleep
So, according to the nutritionist, drinking a tea that fights insomnia before going to bed - between 1 hour and 30 minutes - can be a great alternative to end or at least alleviate the problem.
"It's very simple. Just mix a sachet of chamomile tea, a sachet of fennel and a sachet of lemon balm and put it in boiling water.
Then, if necessary, sweeten with very little sugar," she recommends.
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