Super Creamy and Irresistible -






Deliciosa Salada de Repolho: Super Cremosa e Irresistível
Creamy cabbage salad

A salada de repolho é um acompanhamento clássico que ganha um toque especial quando preparada de forma super cremosa. Com uma textura irresistível e sabor rico, esta versão da salada de repolho é um deleite para o paladar. O segredo para a cremosidade está na combinação de maionese, iogurte ou creme de leite, e um toque de mostarda, que resultam em um molho rico e suave. O repolho picado, cenoura ralada e outros ingredientes adicionam cor e frescor. O contraste entre a crocância do repolho e a suavidade do molho cria uma experiência gastronômica deliciosa que agrada a todos os paladares. Ideal para acompanhar grelhados, sanduíches ou como prato principal em dias mais quentes.

Creamy cabbage salad

How about this quick, light and practical recipe? What's more, it's super tasty. You don't need to cook the ingredients, just wash them well.

Curiosities about cabbage: Raw cabbage contains good amounts of vitamin A, which is important for growth and tooth formation, and vitamin C, which acts against infections. As well as being a low-calorie food, red cabbage contains hormones that help burn fat.


The vegetable is often used in salads and cold dishes. It can also be cooked and used in the preparation of some dishes, such as sauerkraut, a typical German dish.

Preparation Time: 20 Minutes
Performance: 6 servings


  • 1 carton of cream 
  • 2 cups coarsely grated cabbage 
  • 1 grated carrot
  • 100 grams of mayonnaise
  • 5 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • half a squeezed lemon
  • green smell to taste (optional)

The preparation method is very simple and I'm sure that if you follow it step by step you'll be able to make your Cabbage Salad, it will be wonderful.


  1. First, put the mayonnaise in a bowl and then add the sour cream, squeezed lemon, oregano and olive oil.
  2. Then mix well until smooth and set aside.
  3. Then mix in the cabbage, carrot and green smell.
  4. Finally, add the reserved cream and stir well.
  5. Serve your delicious coleslaw.

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