Ice cream with 3 ingredients, one of the most popular here at home –






Sorvete com 3 ingredientes um dos mais requisitos aqui em casa
Um Sorvete com 3 ingredientes

Sabemos que um sorvete é feito de creme, mas você já pensou em fazer um sorvete com apenas três ingredientes? É possível sim e o resultado vai te surpreender!

Para fazer este delicioso sorvete, basta bater no liquidificador 1 xícara (chá) de morango congelado picado, ½ xícara (chá) de leite condensado e ¼ xícara (chá) de suco concentrado natural sabor uva. Coloque a mistura na geladeira por pelo menos 2 horas para endurecer. Sirva-se à vontade!

Veja abaixo varias outras opções desta deliciosa receita e o passo a passo.



  • 2 cans of condensed milk
  • 600ml chilled fresh cream
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla essence

Modo de preparo da base: Ice cream

  1. Blend the condensed milk in a blender for 3 minutes. The condensed milk will then change texture and no longer runny.
  2. Then turn off the blender, transfer to a bowl and set aside.
  3. In a mixer, add the well-chilled fresh cream and beat until it becomes whipped cream.
  4. Finally, turn off the mixer, transfer the cream to the bowl with the whipped condensed milk, add the vanilla essence, mix gently and pour into a jar with a lid or into bowls.
  5. Then put it in the freezer until it hardens (approximately 3 hours).
  6. Remove from the freezer and serve.

Sabor Chocolate meio amargo

How to prepare

After blending the condensed milk, add 200g of melted semi-sweet chocolate and blend for 30 seconds. Continue with the recipe as normal.

Sabor Passas ao Rum

How to prepare

Once the ice cream is ready and has been in the freezer for 1 hour, add 200g of drained black raisins (which have been soaked in 100ml of rum for 30 minutes).

Sabor Flocos

Modo de preparo


Melt 120g of semi-sweet chocolate and season.

Pour onto a marble stone and wait for it to cool.

Then scrape the chocolate into small pieces with a spatula and mix into the finished ice cream that has been in the freezer for 1 hour.

Sabor Morango

Directions: Ice cream

Place 600g of coarsely chopped strawberries in a saucepan over a low heat and let them wilt slightly for about 15 minutes.

Turn off the heat, wait for it to cool and add it to the finished ice cream that has been in the freezer for 1 hour.

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