Sonia Abrão speaks the truth about the donation of R$ 21 million to Rio Grande do Sul


Veteran TV host Sonia Abrão stood out last Tuesday when she emphatically praised Neymar for his generous action at the charity auction of the Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr. During her program “A Tarde É Sua”, Sonia congratulated the soccer star for donating R$21 million to the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which was impacted by floods, praising him as a true world idol.

On Monday, the fourth edition of the Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr. charity auction took place at the Clube Monte Líbano in São Paulo. The event was attended by several celebrities, but Neymar was the highlight. Surprising everyone, he announced that he would match the amount raised at the auction in a donation to Rio Grande do Sul. With the proceeds reaching R$1.4T 21 million, Neymar promised to donate the same amount from his own pocket to help the state recover.

Sonia Abrão was one of many public figures to praise Neymar for his generosity. “On this point, congratulations to Neymar and the entire team involved. Because on a night like this, an auction of this size and impact, it’s a lot of work,” commented the presenter. She also mentioned that Nadine Gonçalves, Neymar’s mother, decided not to take her new boyfriend to the event in order to keep the focus on her son’s charitable actions.

Neymar Jr. was the center of attention from the moment he arrived at the auction, where he appeared alone, generating curiosity among those present. When asked about the absence of his children, Neymar explained that Davi Lucca was with his mother in Barcelona because of school, while little Mavie would be at the event later. Regarding the auction, Neymar expressed his satisfaction: “I am very happy to be doing the auction again this year. I hope to raise an amount that will help the children and families. I hope it will be a great day.”


Neymar Jr., considered one of the greatest soccer players in Brazil and the world, is also one of the richest athletes on the planet. His charitable work has met the expectations of many, demonstrating once again why he is revered as a global sports idol.


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