Irresistible Dessert Discover the secret of Ice Cream Pudding with delicious Sauce –






Sobremesa irresistível Desvende o segredo do Pudim de Sorvete com Calda deliciosa

Sobremesa irresistível: Desvende o segredo do Pudim de Sorvete com Calda deliciosa, super rápido e irresistível! Prepare-se para uma experiência gelada que vai encantar seu paladar. Esqueça as receitas complexas e demoradas, pois esse pudim é a solução para suas vontades instantâneas de doce. A combinação perfeita de sorvete cremoso e uma calda deliciosa resulta em uma sobremesa dos deuses. Surpreenda-se com a praticidade dessa receita e deixe-se levar pela explosão de sabores a cada colherada. Seja para impressionar convidados ou simplesmente para satisfazer sua gula, esse pudim de sorvete com calda é a escolha certa.

  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 2 Tablespoons of cornstarch
  • 500 ml milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 can of heavy cream


  • 1 cup chocolate powder (Nescau type chocolate is not suitable)
  • 2 cups milk

The preparation method for this recipe is very simple and I'm sure that if you follow it step by step you will be able to make your recipe, it will be wonderful.

Beat 4 egg whites until stiff and set aside.


Then beat the condensed milk, cornstarch, milk and egg yolks with a whisk.

Then put it in a saucepan and bring to the boil until it forms a cream, stirring constantly, and let it cool, preferably in the fridge.

Then, once the cream is cold or chilled, mix the cream without whey into the cream, mix very well with a whisk, then mix in the egg whites that have been set aside.



Mix the chocolate with the milk and bring to the boil, stirring constantly, until it forms a slightly thick syrup. To pour it into the mold, use only half of the syrup and set the other half aside.


After spreading it in a pudding tin with a hole in the middle, pour half of the chocolate syrup into the bottom of the tin, then pour in all the cream and put it in the freezer and leave it there for a night or at least 12 hours, the longer the better.

Then, once it's completely frozen, put it in the pan and heat it up quickly "just a little" to help it unmold, turn it out onto a plate, or leave it in the pan even if you don't need to take it to the table, as it melts very easily.

Then, when it's time to serve, you can use the chocolate syrup you only used half of and pour it over each piece you're serving.

Now just sit back and enjoy this easy-to-make delight.

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