Pão caseiro de liquidificador SEM SOVAR e super delicioso é uma receita que qualquer pessoa pode fazer em casa. É uma massa que não exige muitos ingredientes e você nem precisa sovar! A base do pão é feita com farinha, água, açúcar e fermento, então só adicione o restante dos ingredientes para dar um toque especial. Queijo ralado, ervas frescas e nozes são algumas ideias para incrementar seu pãozinho caseiro. Experimente fazer esta receita simples hoje mesmo na sua cozinha!
Preparation Time: 80 Minutes
Performance: 3 Portions or you can make smaller portions
Como fazer Pão caseiro sem sovar
This homemade fluffy blender bread is a wonderful recipe to make at home for coffee. It's so simple that it was easy to share with you. A lot of people might like it, because not everyone has money to spend on expensive ingredients. You can also make fluffy blender bread stuffed with cheese, pepperoni, curd cheese or whatever you prefer.
- 1 kg of wheat flour
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 3 tablets of fresh yeast (45g) or 1 sachet of dry yeast (10g)
- 3 eggs
- 900ml warm milk
- 1 cup oil
The preparation method is very simple recipeI'm sure that if you follow our step-by-step instructions, you'll be able to make it and it will be delicious.
- To make this homemade bread, first mix the flour and salt together in a bowl. Then set aside.
- Then, in a blender, beat the eggs, warm milk, oil and fresh or dry yeast until the mixture is smooth.
- Then pour the mixture into the blender and gradually add the wheat flour and salt while mixing with a whisk.
- The dough then becomes a little soft and sticky, but this is normal.
- Then pour the batter into a greased pan and cover with a clean, dry tea towel.
- Finally, let the dough rest for 1 hour.
- Bake in a preheated medium oven for about 50 minutes.
- Remove from the oven, allow to cool and serve your Homemade bread of blender.
Você pode gostar também dessa receitinha deliciosa de pão caseiro
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