A massa de empada é a base para deliciosas criações culinárias. Combinando farinha, manteiga, água e uma pitada de sal, essa massa se transforma em pequenas maravilhas douradas e crocantes. Seu preparo é simples: basta misturar os ingredientes, amassar, descansar e moldar nas forminhas. A versatilidade da massa permite recheios variados, desde frango e queijo a legumes e doces. O aroma irresistível que surge enquanto as empadas assam é um convite ao prazer. A massa de empada é a tela em branco da culinária, aguardando para ser recheada e transformada em uma infinidade de sabores.
- 1 cup butter
- 1/2 cup oil
- 3 yolks
- 1 cup milk
- 2 tablespoons yeast
- Salt to taste
- 4 cups wheat flour
The preparation method for this recipe is very simple and I'm sure that if you follow it step by step you will be able to make your recipe, it will be wonderful.
Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, except the flour and one egg yolk. Then stir until well mixed.
Then gradually add the wheat flour, stirring constantly until it becomes firm.
Then pour it onto a flat surface (without kneading) until it stops sticking to your hands. Then, if it's still greasy, add more flour
Then, place the dough in a pie tin, cut it out and place it so that there is dough on the outside, so that you can close it, add the desired filling, close it tightly around the edges.
Finally, brush the egg yolk on top and bake in a preheated oven until golden brown.
Serve your simple pastry.
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