Milk Pudding without Bain-Marie come see the secret






Facilidade e Sabor: Pudim de Leite sem Banho-Maria vem ver o segredo
Milk Pudding Without a Bain-marie here's today's secret

O Pudim de Leite Sem Banho-Maria desafia convenções culinárias. Com simplicidade, ovos, leite e açúcar se combinam em uma textura cremosa e sabor inigualável. A técnica alternativa simplifica o processo: a preparação direta no forno revela um pudim sedoso, eliminando a necessidade do tradicional banho-maria. A mistura, desafiando tradições, mantém a suavidade e a consistência perfeitas. Cada colherada é um testemunho da inovação na cozinha, onde a praticidade se une ao sabor clássico. Uma sobremesa que, ao romper com as regras convencionais, oferece um deleite delicioso sem abrir mão da qualidade.

To make it, you'll need eggs, milk, sugar and vanilla essence. First, you will make a simple syrup based on water and sugar and spread it over a mold, which can be aluminum or glass, with or without a central hole. Next, you need to whisk together all the ingredients for the milk pudding by hand.

That's right! One of the secrets of milk pudding without a bain-marie is that it is beaten by hand and sieved before being placed in the caramelized mold

Milk pudding without a bain-marie won't smell of eggs for two reasons: firstly, because we use vanilla essence in the recipe and, secondly, because the pudding is sieved, so the film that remains on the yolk and causes the bad smell is removed from the pudding before it goes into the oven.
The result is a light, delicious milk pudding that melts in your mouth.
What's more, the syrup from milk pudding without a bain-marie boils and spreads into all the little holes in the pudding, making the dessert very moist and tasty.
Make milk pudding without a bain-marie for your family's dessert today, surprise everyone and get lots of compliments!




  • 8 eggs
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 300g sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla essence


  • 100g sugar
  • 50ml water


  1. In a saucepan, mix the sugar and water.
  2. Bring to the boil over medium heat, stirring from time to time, until caramelized.
  3. Pour the caramel into the mold of your choice and spread it along the side of the mold.
  4. Book.


  1. First of all, to make this pudding, beat the eggs well in a bowl with a whisk or fork.
  2. Then gradually add the milk while whisking.
  3. Then add the sugar and beat a little more.
  4. Then add the vanilla essence and beat again.
  5. Finally, don't use a blender or mixer. This pudding has to be made by hand. Pass the mixture through a sieve before pouring it into the caramelized pan.
  6. Then bake in a preheated oven at 180ºC until the pudding is golden brown on top and a toothpick comes out clean.
  7. You don't need to cover the pudding with aluminum foil or bake it in a bain-marie.
  8. Finally, remove from the oven, allow to cool completely and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
    Take out of the fridge, unmold and serve cold.

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