3-ingredient pie with a dough that melts in your mouth






Pastel de 3 ingredientes fácil e a massa que desmancha na boca
Pastel de 3 ingredientes com uma massa que desmancha na boca
Melhor Pastel de três ingredientes

Amores que tal aprender a fazer esse Pastel de três ingredientes com uma massa que desmancha na boca? Você vai amar essa receita. Então vem conferir o modo de preparo e me diz o que achou.


  • 1 can of cream with whey (300 g)
  • 2 ¼ cups (tea) of wheat flour (320 g)
  • Salt to taste
  • Filling to taste

Modo de Preparo Melhor Pastel de três ingredientes

Add 1 can of cream with whey, 2 ¼ cups (tea) of wheat flour, salt to taste and mix well until a homogeneous dough forms.

Then, place the dough on a smooth, floured surface and knead it well with your hands. Then, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.


Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough very thinly and cut out discs (7 cm in diameter).

Then, place a portion of filling on each disk of dough, fold in half into a half moon and close by pressing the edges with a fork.

Finally, fry the pastries in hot oil until golden brown. Remove and drain on absorbent paper. Serve your three-ingredient pastries with.


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