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Very easy 3-ingredient bread you have to make now –






Pão de 3 ingredientes Muito fácil e Diferente você tem que fazer já
Pão de 3 ingredientes muito fácil você tem que  fazer já

Vem aprender a fazer essa super receita de Pão de 3 ingredientes que fica macio e muito gostoso, você vai amar. Então não perca mais tempo e veja o modo de preparo aqui.

Ingredients for 3-ingredient bread

2 eggs
12 tablespoons of powdered milk
2 teaspoons baking powder

How to prepare

Place the eggs in a bowl and beat well with a whisk until the whites are completely broken down.


Then add the yeast and mix well again until it is completely dissolved.

Then gradually add the powdered milk, mixing well until you have a homogeneous dough with a sticky consistency.

Once the dough is ready, take small portions with the help of a tablespoon and place them on a baking sheet previously greased with olive oil.


Place in a preheated oven at 180º C and bake for about 10 minutes or until the loaves are risen, fluffy and golden!

Once they're ready, just take them out of the oven and serve your 3-ingredient bread.

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