Homemade bread without kneading the best of all






Prepare um delicioso pão caseiro sem precisar sovar de liquidificador

Transforme seu dia com um pão caseiro incrivelmente fácil e prático! Com o nosso método de liquidificador, você não precisa sovar. Faça agora e desfrute de um pão quentinho e delicioso


  • 1 kg of wheat flour
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 3 tablets of fresh yeast (45g) or 1 sachet of dry yeast (10g)
  • 3 eggs
  • 900ml warm milk
  • 1 cup oil

Modo de preparo Pão caseiro de liquidificador

Em uma tigela, misture bem a farinha de trigo e o sal. Então, reserve.


Then, in a blender, beat the eggs, warm milk, oil and fresh or dry yeast until the mixture is smooth.

Then pour the mixture into the blender and gradually add the wheat flour and salt while mixing with a whisk.

The dough then becomes a little soft and sticky, but this is normal.

Then pour the batter into a greased pan and cover with a clean, dry tea towel.


Finally, let the dough rest for 1 hour.

Bake in a preheated medium oven for about 50 minutes.

Retire do forno, espere amornar e sirva.

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