The 5-ingredient eggless pudding does not go in the oven, I learned from a confectioner for today –






O Pudim sem ovo 5 ingredientes não vai ao forno aprendi com doceiro pra hoje
Eggless pudding 5 ingredients

Eggless pudding 5 ingredients - Chilled desserts are the best options to serve on hot days. When they can be prepared quickly without a lot of ingredients and use of the stove, then they are perfect.

Discover the recipe for a practical frozen pudding that mixes everything in a blender.


  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 2 cartons of heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup warm milk
  • 1 sachet of unflavored gelatine
  • 10 tablespoons of sugar

Modo de Preparo Pudim sem ovo 5 ingredientes

Prepare a caramel syrup with the sugar and pour it into the pudding tin.


Then, in a blender, mix the condensed milk and the cream.

Then dissolve the gelatine in the milk and add to the blender mixture.

Finally, beat for five minutes and pour into the mold on top of the syrup. Place in the freezer for at least two hours.


Then, to unmold, quickly heat the pan on the stove.

Finally, serve your 5-ingredient eggless pudding.

See also:
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