The Sweet Elixir of Japanese Tradition






Amazake: O Elixir Doce da Tradição Japonesa
Amazake: O Elixir Doce da Tradição Japonesa

Amazake is a delicious and nutritious traditional Japanese beverage. Made from fermented rice and non-alcoholic sake, it is a sweet elixir that delights the palate and nourishes the body. Its history dates back centuries in Japan, where it was appreciated for its revitalizing properties. Rich in vitamins, enzymes and probiotics, Amazake is known to promote digestive health and boost the immune system. Its natural sweetness is obtained during the fermentation process, without the need for added sugar. With a smooth and creamy flavor, Amazake is a comforting beverage that combines tradition and well-being.



  • 1 cup glutinous rice (Japanese sweet rice)
  • 1 ½ cups water
  • 1/3 cup koji (a rice ferment, available at Asian food stores)
  • 2-3 tablespoons sugar (optional, depending on how sweet you like it)


  1. Wash the glutinous rice well and cook it with water until it is very soft, almost like porridge.
  2. Allow the cooked rice to cool until it reaches a temperature of around 50°C (122°F). You can measure the temperature with a kitchen thermometer.
  3. Mix the koji into the cooked rice and make sure it is well incorporated.
  4. Cover the mixture with a clean cloth and place it in a warm, dark place (about 50°C/122°F) for 6-12 hours. This allows fermentation to occur. The rice should turn into a thick, sweet paste.
  5. After fermentation, you can add sugar if desired to adjust the flavor to your preferences.
  6. Cool the Amazake in the refrigerator and serve chilled.

Amazake can be enjoyed as a sweet drink on its own or used as a sweetener in desserts and culinary recipes. It is a nutritious and delicious drink that captures the essence of Japanese tradition.

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