The very easy and delicious Cornmeal Soft Cake - come and learn today!






O Bolo Mole de Fubá muito fácil e delicioso vem aprender hoje mesmo

Lovelies, today's recipe is for this amazing and super tasty Bolo Mole de Fubá (cornmeal cake), which you'll want to make again and again. So come and see how it's made and let me know what you think of the recipe.

Here's how to make this delicious cornmeal cake

Think of a delicious cake. Then this soft cornmeal cake is sensational! If you learn how to make it, you won't miss it.

Tempo de Preparo: 20 minutos
Porções: 12



  • 200ml coconut milk
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 can (the same size as the can of condensed milk) of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter (45 grams)
  • 3 tablespoons cornmeal
  • 3 tablespoons of wheat flour (350 grams)
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder (26 grams)


  1. Reserve o fermento, primeiramente para fazer este bolo mole de fubá, e em seguida, bata os demais ingredientes no liquidificador, seguindo a ordem e batendo bem a cada adição, até homogeneizar.
  2. Then add the yeast and beat quickly, just to mix.
  3. Despeje em seguida, em fôrma redonda (24 cm de diâmetro) untada e enfarinhada e leve ao forno médio-baixo preaquecido (160 °C) por cerca de 1 hora e meia ou até dourar.
  4. Então, desenforme frio e sirva seu Bolo Mole of Fubá.
  5. Sprinkle with icing sugar if desired.

Then I'm sure you'll find this recipe for cornmeal soft cake wonderful.

Agora que você fez esse Bolo Mole de Fubá, não perca a chance de seguir arrasando na cozinha, fique ligado(a) nas nossas mais recentes receitas!

Finally, did you like this recipe?

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It's also worth remembering that if you scroll down you'll automatically go to another recipe!


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