Homemade Gnocchi with Just 4 Ingredients to Enjoy the Best Pasta –






A Receita Perfeita: Nhoque Caseiro com Apenas 4 Ingredientes para Saborear a Melhor Massa

Prepare-se para descobrir a receita perfeita de nhoque caseiro, feito com apenas 4 ingredientes. Esta massa é a personificação da simplicidade e do sabor autêntico. Com uma combinação de batatas, farinha, ovo e sal, você pode criar nhoques macios e deliciosos que derretem na boca. Comece cozinhando as batatas até que fiquem macias, amasse-as e misture com farinha, ovo e uma pitada de sal. Após formar a massa, corte-a em pedaços pequenos e cozinhe até que os nhoques subam à superfície da água. Sirva com o molho de sua preferência ou apenas com manteiga e queijo ralado. Essa receita descomplicada resulta em nhoques de dar água na boca, fazendo você se apaixonar pela culinária caseira.

Preparation Time: 60 minutes
Performance: 4 servings

How to make homemade gnocchi pasta

To make homemade gnocchi pasta, To make the homemade dough, dissolve the flour in the salted milk and bring to the boil. Then let it cool and rub it with eggs and grated cheese and boiled potatoes. Then make a few balls and cut them into 3 cm to 4 cm pieces. Finally, cook them in lightly salted water. They will be cooked when they come to the surface. Once drained, place them on a plate and serve the homemade gnocchi with tomato sauce or bolognese.



  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 4 eggs 1 tablespoon grated cheese
  • 4 tablespoons of wheat flour
  • 1 glass of milk
  • Half a kilo of potatoes


  1. First, to make this gnocchi, mix the flour in the salted milk and bring to the boil.
  2. Then let it cool and mash it with the eggs, grated cheese and boiled potatoes.
  3. Then make some dumplings, cutting off pieces of between 3 cm and 4 cm.
  4. Finally, cook them in lightly salted boiling water.
  5. When they come to the surface, they are cooked.
  6. Once drained, place them on a plate and serve your homemade gnocchi with tomato sauce or bolognese sauce.

How about a red or white sauce to accompany this gnocchi?

Mouth-watering white sauce with sour cream and ricotta cheese

Homemade tomato sauce to learn now

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