Culinary Magic Fluffy Pudding with Just 2 Ingredients -






Apenas 2 ingredientes esse Pudim é fofinho aprenda e faz

Magia Culinária Pudim Fofinho com Apenas 2 Ingredientes

Experimente o encanto culinário com o Pudim Fofinho de apenas 2 ingredientes. Esta receita descomplicada transforma ovos e leite condensado em uma sobremesa celestial. A mistura homogênea desses elementos básicos resulta em uma textura incrivelmente macia, enquanto o sabor doce e cremoso eleva o paladar a novas alturas. Despeje a mistura na forma caramelizada, asse em banho-maria, e você terá um pudim divinamente aveludado. Esta magia gastronômica não apenas impressiona pela simplicidade, mas também pela indulgência irresistível. Um deleite perfeito para aqueles momentos em que você anseia por uma sobremesa celestial sem complicações na cozinha.


2-ingredient pudding

Did you know that, as a main course, boiled puddings were a common meal on board Royal Navy ships in the 18th and 19th centuries, and were the usual way in which daily rations of flour and fat were prepared? The newest type of pudding can be both a dessert dish and eaten without being a side dish. Puddings, which were born on Royal Navy ships in the 18th and 19th centuries, with a mixture of flour and fat, evolved over time until they reached the recipe popularly known today.

Preparation Time: 50 Minutes
Performance: 12 servings


  • 600g condensed milk
  • 500g natural yogurt

The method of preparation is very simple and I'm sure that if you follow it step by step you'll be able to make your Pudding, it will be wonderful.


  1. First, add the natural yogurt and condensed milk to the blender and blend well for 3 minutes.
  2. Next, take a saucepan and prepare the syrup using 2 cups of sugar with half a cup of hot water.
  3. Let the sugar melt until it is syrupy and then transfer the syrup to a mold with a hole in the middle, spreading it on all sides.
  4. Then transfer the mixture from the blender to the caramelized pan and bake it in a bain-marie for 50 minutes for the best results from the 2-ingredient pudding recipe.
  5. Finally, test the pudding with a toothpick to make sure it's completely baked, if it comes out dirty then leave it for a few more minutes.
  6. Serve your delicious Pudding!

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