Êxtase Gastronômico Desvendando o Molho de Alho dos Deuses






O Molho de Alho dos Deuses é uma explosão de sabor

Êxtase Gastronômico Desvendando o Molho de Alho dos Deuses
Garlic Sauce of the Gods

O Molho de Alho dos Deuses é uma explosão de sabor que eleva qualquer prato a um nível divino. Combinando alho fresco, azeite de oliva e ervas aromáticas, essa criação culinária transforma o simples em extraordinário. A textura sedosa e o aroma irresistível conquistam os paladares mais exigentes. Seja acompanhando pães frescos, carnes suculentas ou vegetais assados, este molho adiciona um toque celestial a cada garfada. Sua versatilidade e intensidade de sabor fazem dele um condimento indispensável, transformando suas refeições em experiências verdadeiramente memoráveis. Prepare-se para uma jornada de prazer gastronômico com esse Molho de Alho dos Deuses.



  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon chopped green smell (optional)

The preparation method for this recipe is very simple and I'm sure that if you follow it step by step you will be able to make your recipe, it will be wonderful.


  1. First, peel and finely chop the garlic cloves.
  2. Then, in a medium bowl, add the mayonnaise and lemon juice. Mix these ingredients well until you get a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Then add the chopped garlic to the bowl and mix again. Make sure the garlic is well incorporated into the mayonnaise.
  4. Season the sauce with salt and black pepper. Add these ingredients gradually, tasting as you go to adjust the flavor to your preference.
  5. Now add the olive oil to the sauce and mix well. This ingredient will impart a mild flavor and help make the sauce creamier.
  6. If you like, add chopped greens to the sauce. It will add a touch of freshness and a pleasant aroma.
  7. Cover the bowl with the sauce and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving. This will help bring out the flavors and make the sauce more full-bodied.
  8. Finally, after the cooling time, your garlic sauce is ready to enjoy! Serve it as an accompaniment to salads, snacks or sandwiches.

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