DIVINE 3-ingredient Pastry and the dough melts in your mouth


DIVINO esse Pastel de 3 ingredientes e a massa desmancha na boca

DIVINO o Pastel de 3 ingredientes e a massa desmancha na boca
Pastel de 3 ingredientes com uma massa que desmancha na boca

Only 3 ingredients. 1 recipe. 0 complications! That's the promise of our delicious 3-ingredient pie, perfect for any occasion.


To make this wonderful dish, you will only need frozen puff pastry, a filling of your choice (we suggest cheese and tomato) and seasonings to taste (dried oregano works very well).
The secret to a perfect pie is in the baking time: 10 minutes at the oven's very high temperature are enough to cook the dough inside while keeping the filling warm and melted. Enjoy!

How to make a 3-ingredient Pastry

Para fazer o Pastel de 3 ingredientes, junte 1 lata de creme de leite com soro, 2 ¼ xícaras (chá) de farinha de trigo, sal a gosto e misture bem até formar uma massa homogênea. Em seguida, coloque a massa numa superfície lisa e enfarinhada e amasse bem com as mãos. Então, enrole num filme plástico e leve para gelar por 30 minutos. Com um rolo, abra a massa bem fina e corte discos (7 cm de diâmetro). Em seguida, coloque uma porção de recheio sobre cada disco de massa, dobre ao meio em meia lua e feche apertando as bordas com um garfo. Por fim, frite os pastéis em óleo quente até dourar. Retire e escorra em papel absorvente. Confira abaixo o passo a passo e os ingredientes desta deliciosa receita de Pastel de 3 ingredientes.


  • 1 can of cream with whey (300 g)
  • 2 ¼ cups (tea) of wheat flour (320 g)
  • Salt to taste
  • Filling to taste

The preparation method for this recipe is very simple and I'm sure that if you follow it step by step you will be able to make your recipe, it will be wonderful.


  1. Add 1 can of cream with whey, 2 ¼ cups (tea) of wheat flour, salt to taste and mix well until a homogeneous dough forms.
  2. Then, place the dough on a smooth, floured surface and knead it well with your hands. Then, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  3. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough very thinly and cut out discs (7 cm in diameter).
  4. Then, place a portion of filling on each disk of dough, fold in half into a half moon and close by pressing the edges with a fork.
  5. Finally, fry the pastries in hot oil until golden brown. Remove and drain on absorbent paper. Serve your three-ingredient pastries with.

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