Melt with Pleasure Simple Recipe to Make Your Own Homemade Butter –






Derreta de Prazer Receita Simples para Preparar sua Própria Manteiga Caseira

A manteiga caseira é uma experiência culinária simples e gratificante, permitindo que você transforme ingredientes básicos em um tesouro cremoso de sabor. Basta bater creme de leite fresco até que a mágica aconteça, e a textura suave da manteiga se separe do soro de leite. Adicione uma pitada de sal para realçar os sabores. Esse processo artesanal não apenas proporciona uma manteiga irresistível, mas também permite personalizar com ervas, alho ou mel. Espalhe generosamente sobre pães frescos e sinta o prazer de criar algo deliciosamente único em sua própria cozinha.

Ingredients Homemade butter with

  • Sour cream: 500ml
  • Salt to taste; you can add herbs to taste

The preparation of this recipe is very simple and I'm sure that if you follow it step by step you'll be able to make your recipe, it will be wonderful.


Put the cream in a blender and blend until you get a butter-like paste.


Then turn the appliance off a few times and shake the glass with your hands to make sure the mixture is thoroughly mixed.

Then pass it through a strainer to separate the whey from the milk: what's left is your butter.

Finally, season to your taste with salt (Himalayan or other) and your favorite herbs. For health reasons, you can leave out the salt.


Then, if you can, place the butter on baking paper or parchment paper and press it down with the back of a spoon so that more whey can come out.

Store it in the fridge, tightly sealed, and consume your homemade butter within 10 days.

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