Conquistar um brilho impecável em vidros e espelhos é mais fácil do que parece, e algumas técnicas infalíveis podem transformar essa tarefa em algo simples e eficaz. Comece removendo poeira e sujeira superficial com um pano seco. Em seguida, prepare uma solução de limpeza misturando partes iguais de vinagre branco e água ou opte por limpadores específicos para vidros. Aplique a solução usando um borrifador ou um pano limpo, evitando o excesso. Utilize movimentos circulares ou em zigue-zague para evitar marcas. Para finalizar, seque com um pano sem fiapos. Com essas técnicas, seus vidros e espelhos reluzirão, refletindo não apenas a luz, mas também o cuidado dedicado à sua limpeza.
We recommend learning a few different methods for cleaning glass and mirrors in each room. The best way to clean each mirror or glass surface depends on the room and which cleaning products are being used.
It's important to know which products to avoid when cleaning glass and mirrors.
When cleaning mirrors and glass, it's best to avoid certain materials and products. They can scratch and stain mirrors when used to clean them. We've listed these items below:
- Chlorine;
- Ammonia;
- Sandpaper;
- Rough sponge;
- Cloths that shed lint;
- Bleach;
How to clean a bathroom mirror?
After one or more weeks of use, a bathroom mirror will usually have stains that need to be removed. To do this, you must understand how to clean a mirror. Every home has at least one bathroom mirror, so it's an essential skill to know.
To clean the bathroom mirror better, use cleaning products and solutions that need to be diluted in water. Alternatively, you can use alcohol, vinegar or degreasers to clean the mirror. Stronger cleaning products that don't need to be diluted are also an option, but provide a better result.
Vinegar can be used to clean mirrors step by step.
How to clean a mirror with vinegar
- Pour 3.5 liters of water into a spray bottle or spray combined with a cup of vinegar.
- Sponges make it easier to clean mirrors when you apply the mixture to them.
- Rubbing the mirror with the soft side of the sponge prevents scratches on the reflection.
- Polishing windows and mirrors requires a clean cloth and circular movements.
- Once you've finished cleaning a mirror with vinegar, all that's left to do is wipe it down with a dry cloth.
How to clean a wardrobe mirror?
Cleaning a closet mirror is easier than you might expect because they are usually located on the inside of the closet.
Seeing the final look of outfits and compositions in the closet mirror is essential. You have to clean the mirror to see these things.
Applying this tip to children's closet mirrors or hairdressing mirrors can be done easily. You can clean these mirrors with little effort using window cleaner or detergent. Both products leave the mirror shiny and smudge-free.
How to clean a mirror with neutral detergent
- Add four drops of neutral detergent to 100ml of water.
- Use a sponge or soft cloth to apply the mixture to a mirror when cleaning.
- Polishing the mirror requires a dry, lint-free cloth.
- Cleaning a mirror with a cotton swab is an effective way of cleaning corners and edges.
- Your room will be filled with light from the mirror when you've finished.
How to clean a stained mirror?
If you use the wrong cleaning products on your mirror, it can become stained. However, this is easily remedied with a practical method for cleaning tarnished mirrors.
Many people believe that newspapers are useful when it comes to cleaning mirrors. In fact, applying newspapers to a mirror covered in stains makes it more difficult to remove the stain. The reason for this is that newspapers have ink that can come off when mixed with glass cleaner or vinegar. This loose ink ends up staining the mirror even more than it already was. For this reason, it's best not to use newspapers when polishing mirrors.
Vidros e espelhos brilham quando limpos com o pano de prato de microfibra. Isso ocorre porque o pano não solta fiapos quando usado. Portanto, é melhor usar um pano de microfibra ao procurar a melhor maneira de limpar espelhos manchados.
Always use a dry cloth to remove dust from the mirror before cleaning it. This cleaning hack ensures that dust doesn't interfere with the cleaning process.
It is crucial to always use clean cloths when polishing windows and mirrors. By doing so, you ensure that the glass does not fog up. Polishing in circular motions is fundamental when trying to prevent foggy glass. There's no mistake if you do this; it's the only way to guarantee that your glass won't fog up. Before applying the product to the mirror, first apply it to a cloth.
The way to remove black stains from mirrors is...
There is no formula or step-by-step guide to cleaning a mirror; however, if your mirror has black spots, there is no way to clean them.
The mirror transforms colorless glass into a mirror thanks to a thin silver film. A special paint is needed to protect the film from moisture. If this protective paint isn't applied, the mirror can oxidize and develop famous stains that won't come off with common cleaning formulas.
It's important to ask the mirror manufacturer before buying a mirror for your home. Mirrors in homes need to be of the highest quality. Following these basic tips for cleaning mirrors will keep it clean:
Os espelhos precisa limpar regularmente
It is vital never to leave a greasy mirror for too long. Doing so is especially important if the mirror is located above the corner sofa or in the living room. They require specific cleaning once a week; however, you can use diluted cleaning products for quicker results that also prevent stains on the mirror.
Never apply the solution to the mirror with a cloth; instead, apply it to the cloth and then to the mirror
It's dangerous to throw make-up directly onto the mirror; it could break the glass. Instead, you should apply it to a cloth and then wipe it off. With this in mind, it's practical to wipe mirrors with a cloth so as not to accidentally smudge the reflection.
Produtos abrasivos a evitar
It's important to choose cleaning materials and cloths carefully. Anything abrasive can scratch the mirror, so don't use anything that could damage it. In addition, don't use any firecracker on the mirror; it will ruin it. Also, the green side of the sponge must not come into contact with the mirror; it will scratch easily.
The mirror dries immediately after the product is applied.
Using a cloth with cleaner on a mirror immediately removes any scratches left behind. If you don't remove the product immediately, it will leave a larger stain that is harder to remove. Instead, immediately change the cloth for a new one to shine and clean the mirror to perfection.
A luz refletida limpa com movimentos adequados.
Once you've finished the circular movements, it's a good idea to finish off with some horizontal and vertical movements. This ensures that no dirt goes unnoticed and that the mirror doesn't get fogged up or smudged. Having a clean mirror next to the dresser or bedside table is possible as a result of these finishing movements.
Ao entender como limpar espelhos, dessa forma, você pode manter sua casa impecável.
See more infallible tips here: How to clean a bathroom see the foolproof tricks here
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