Baked Tapioca Biscuit recipe is simply amazing –






Biscoito de Polvilho Assado receitinha é simplesmente incrível

Você já experimentou o Biscoito de Polvilho Assado? Essa receitinha é simplesmente incrível e aposto que todos vão adorar! Além de delicioso, é super fácil de fazer. Basta seguir o modo de preparo e em pouco tempo você terá um biscoitinho crocante e saboroso para servir. Não perca mais tempo e confira agora mesmo essa delícia! Depois, não esqueça de nos contar o que achou dessa maravilha.

Biscoito de Polvilho Assado

Tempo de Preparo: 25 Minutos
Rendimento: 30 porções


  • 2 cups sour starch (300 grams)
  • 150 ml hot water
  • 150 ml oil
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 150 ml whole milk
  • 1 egg
  • 50 gramas de Queijo Parmesão

The preparation method for this recipe is very simple and I'm sure that if you follow it step by step you will be able to make your recipe, it will be wonderful.


MODO DE PREPARO do biscoito de polvilho

  1. In a bowl, place the sour starch, hot water, oil, salt, milk and egg and mix well until the dough is smooth and elastic.
  2. Se for querer usar o queijo parmesão adicione ele bem ralado na massa e o ideal é ralado bem bem fininho. Não recomendo usar muçarela, o ideal é usar queijos mais duros e com sabor marcante.
  3. Then mix very well and put in a piping bag and cut a small hole in it, not too big but not too thin, especially if you have parmesan or it will clog up and be difficult to shape.
  4. Shape the cookies on a baking sheet, no need to grease! Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 25 minutes or until crispy and dry! If you put your finger in and it's soft, leave it in the oven until it's firm. Allow to cool before eating and store in an airtight bag!


Tip: Remember to leave spaces between the cookies.

You can also prepare other versions of this incredible dish. Try making fried cookies and sweet cookies at home.

Sprinkle cookies are a great recipe to accompany coffee or juice! But they always need to be stored very well. That way, they won't lose their crunch or their original flavor.


Do you know what can accompany this starch cookie recipe? A delicious hot coffee!


POLVILHO: It needs to be the sour one, it makes it crunchy and the sweet one makes it "chewy", so use the BLUE one to make it work!
MEASURES: YES! That's why I put it in grams and mls, so it's easy to measure and you can't go wrong.
PARMESAN: You can make it with or without, I don't recommend using soft, fresh cheeses such as mozzarella or white cheese, the ideal is to use a harder cheese such as parmesan, provolone and so on...
CUSTO: Claro o custo vai variar, se lembre sempre esse valor é o custo da RECEITA! ou seja não o valor que você vai gastar no mercado e sim o custo da receita!

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