Baked Country Biscuit, it's a success, come see now






ESSE é o MELHOR Biscoitinho Caipira Assado Crocante e saboroso
Biscoitinho Caipira Assado, é um sucesso vem ver agora

Este incrível biscoitinho caipira assado com polvilho, receitinha que está fazendo o maior sucesso, vem agora ver como fazer! Então, confira abaixo os ingredientes e o modo de preparo e me diz o que você achou.

Baked Caipira biscuit

Preparation Time: 25 minutes
Performance: 20 servings


  • 1 and ¹/2 kg sour starch
  • 400 ml milk
  • 220 ml oil
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of salt
  • 900 ml of water


  1. First of all, to make this biscuit, bring milk and oil together to the boil.
  2. Then put the flour and salt in a bowl and slowly pour in the milk and oil as soon as it boils. Then stir with a spoon.
  3. Then add the eggs and gradually pour in the water and stir with your hands until it becomes a thick, sticky dough.
  4. Take a handful of dough, shape it into a mold and place it on the tray.
  5. Bake until golden brown.
  6. Then serve your Biscoitinho Caipira as you like.

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