Apps to Monitor Calls from Any Cell Phone


Did you know that it is possible to monitor all calls from any cell phone and stay up to date with everything they are talking about and saying about you?


We have found the best apps to monitor cell phones for free, whether for business, children or spouses, keeping both parties safe.

In this post you will learn about the three best applications, all their features and benefits, check them out now and download them:


1. Mspy.Mobi

THE Mspy.Mobi is one of the most popular and reliable applications when it comes to call monitoring.

It is widely used by parents who want to ensure the safety of their children and by companies that need to monitor the activities of their employees.

See some of the main features that make the Mspy.Mobi an excellent choice:

  • Real-Time Call Monitoring: The Mspy.Mobi allows you to monitor all incoming and outgoing calls in real time, including detailed information such as call duration, date and time.
  • Access Call History: In addition to real-time monitoring, the app also provides access to the complete call history, allowing you to see all phone interactions made on the monitored device.
  • Custom Alerts: With the Mspy.Mobi, you can set up custom alerts for specific contacts, being notified immediately when a call is made or received from those numbers.
  • Intuitive Interface: The application has a user-friendly and easy-to-use interface, making the monitoring process simple even for those who are not very experienced with technology.

2. Flexispye


THE Flexispye is another powerful call monitoring tool known for its wide range of features and its ability to operate discreetly.

This application is ideal for those who need more robust and detailed monitoring.

Here are some of the features that make the Flexispye a standout option:

  • Call Recording: One of the most advanced features of Flexispye is the ability to record all calls, both incoming and outgoing, allowing you to listen to conversations later.
  • Call Interception: With the Flexispye, you can even intercept calls in real time, listening to the conversation as it happens without the device user noticing.
  • Data Analysis: The application offers detailed call analysis, including graphs and reports that help to better understand the communication patterns of the monitored user.
  • Broad Compatibility: The Flexispye It is compatible with a wide range of devices, including smartphones and tablets, making it a flexible solution for different monitoring needs.

3. Eyezy

THE Eyezy It is one of the newest apps on the market, but it has already gained an excellent reputation thanks to its combination of advanced features and ease of use.

Ideal for those looking for a complete monitoring solution, the Eyezy offers several features that go beyond call monitoring.

Check out the main highlights:

  • Complete Call Monitoring: Just like the other apps mentioned, the Eyezy allows you to monitor all incoming and outgoing calls, with details on duration, time and contact.
  • Remote Control: One of the differences of Eyezy is the ability to remotely control the monitored device, allowing you to block calls from certain numbers or even disable the device if necessary.
  • Detailed Reports: The Eyezy generates detailed reports that help identify suspicious or repetitive call patterns, aiding in decision making.
  • Ease of Installation: The Eyezy stands out for its ease of installation and configuration, allowing you to start monitoring in just a few minutes, even if you have no previous experience with this type of application.


The applications Mspy.Mobi, Flexispye and Eyezy are excellent options for those who need to monitor calls efficiently and discreetly.

Each of them offers a range of features that suit different needs, from basic monitoring to remote control and call recording.

If you are looking for a reliable solution to keep control over communications, these apps are definitely worth your attention.


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