The Cocada de Corte, Easy and Super Delicious, I love making it here, people, hum –






A Cocada de Corte, Fácil e Super Deliciosa amo faça ai gente hum

Que tal fazer uma deliciosa Cocada de Corte fresquinha e muito fácil para hoje? Então confira o modo de preparo dessa receita e me diz o que achou.

Check out how to prepare it now, I want to see everyone raving about this recipe.

Ingredients Cocada de Corte

  • 500 grams of shredded coconut
  • 2 cans of condensed milk
  • 1 glass of coconut milk (200 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons margarine at room temperature


In a large baking dish, place the grated coconut mixed with the condensed milk, coconut milk and margarine.


Then bake in a medium, preheated oven for 30 minutes or until lightly browned.

Then remove from the oven, leave to cool and serve.

Tip: Finally, try making cocada de travessa with burnt coconut. Place the grated coconut in a frying pan and heat over medium heat, stirring until golden brown.


See also:
Sprinkle cookie
Garlic bread stuffed with ham and cheese
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Passion fruit gourmet ice cream
So, Garlic bread stuffed with ham and cheese

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